Thursday, February 4, 2010

O pot numi zi fantastica ? O pot numi o zi de rahat ?

Nu stiu pina la urma cum sa o cataloghez dar va las pe voi sa decideti .Eu stiu cum a fost .La final de zi a fost de rahat .
Totul incepe cind un politist ma opreste si imi cere carnetul de sofer .Il arat pe cel romanesc tradus si legalizat .Am realizat ca nu mai e valabil si ca trebuie sa imi dau exeamenul din nou pentru carnetul de sofer. Si asa am inceput aventura. Am fost cu secretara noastra Conceicao la departamentul lor de soferit si am inceput sa cautam informatii. Am aflat ce imi trebuie si apoi a trebuit sa imi faca poza.In prima zi am vrut sa ma pun la o coada dar dupa ce am ajuns la capatul cozii am relializat cade fapt coada mai face un unghi dse 90 de grade .Dupa ce acolo mai erau vreo 20 de oameni s-a mai facut un unghi de 90 grade si inca unul si inca unul .Cred ca in total derau la coada aia vreo 200 oameni :)
Am renuntat si am plecat acasa .Dar a trebuit sa revin iar acum am fost mai norocos .Coada a fost numai de vreo 150 persoane J Am stat vreo ora jumate si m-a tras in poza un urecheat despre care am intrebat-o pe Conceicao daca nu arata ca un Gremlins .
Binenteles ca dupa poza si documente urma examenul .In portugheza ,biunenteles .Am incercat sa obtin ca si Conceicao sa vina cu mine sa imi traduca dar in final nu au acceptat . In bunatatea ei si dragostea ei pentru mine :) Conceicao si-a pierdut weekendul dinaintea examenului invatind regulamentul ca si mine . In final cind am ajuns la examen ne-au spus ca nu se accepta si va trebui sa fiu singur .Deci ,nu aveam ce sa pierd si am intrat in examen.
Interesant a fost ca deoarece aveam carnet mi-au ceut sa invat doar doua capitole din manual dar surpriza: am dat examenul ca toti ceilalti din toata cartea .:))))
M-au facut ! Dar ei nu si-au dat seama cu cine stau de vorba .Dragii mei ,cu mandrie pot sa afirm ca am acumulat 85% puncte din 100 posibile ,minimul fiind 70%. A fost fantastic sa imi testez portugheza si sa imi dovedesc ca pot face acest lucru fara nici un suport .Si in plus am dovedit inca o darta ca totul se poate atunci cind iti doresti ceva cu adevarat :) Desteptul din mine ,nu ?Acum va trebui sa trec si examenul psiholgic .Credeti ca o sa il trec sau va trebui sa dau mita .Stiu raspunsul vostru :tre sa dai mita :)))
Aceastea fiind spuse a venit a doua jumatate a zilei ,jumatate care a fost de rahat ,de rahat,de rahat .
Dar nu pot sa va povestesc prea multe acum din obiective motive.Concluzia este ca oricit a fost de frumoasa prima parte a zilei pe atit de urita a fost a doua parte astefl incit a umbrit cu totul fericirea primei parti .La fel se intimpla in orice subiect cind oricit de bine si frumos ar fi ,daca apare o pata urita ,gustul amar acopera dulceta de dinainte .In final vreau va spun sa nu va faceti problerme ca s-ar fi intimplat ceva rau cu noi,e doar ceva ce mi-a lasat un gust amar dar ceva pe care nu pot sa il fac public pe acest blog.
Aveti grija de voi

I can call it a fantastic day ? I can call it a shity day?
Ultimately I do not know how to name it but will leave you to decide. I know how it was. Overall was a shit. It all begins when one policeman stopped me and asks me the driving license. I showed the Romanian one translated and legalized but I realized this is no longer valid and that I should do again the driving license exam. And so we started the adventure. I have been with our secretary Conceicao and we started to search for information. I found what I need and then I finally had to let my self pictured with a digital camera.In the first day I wanted to sstay in line but after I reached the line end I actually realized that the line end makes an angle of 90 degrees. Once there were about 20 people in,the line made another angle of 90 degrees and another one and another one. It were I think a total of about 200 people in line that :) I gave up and we went home. But I had to come back and now I was lucky. The line was only about 150 people :) I spent one hour and a half and I was shot in the picture by a person with such a big eras so that I asked Conceicao if he looks as a Gremlins. Of course after picture and documentscome the exam. In Portuguese, of course. I tried to get as Conceicao to come with me to translate but they finally did not accept. In her kindness and her love for me :) Conceicao lost her weekend before the exam and prepared herself as I learn the documentation. Finally when I reached the exam they told us that they will not accept her and I will have to be alone. So I did not had anything to lose and entered the exam. Interesting was that because i had my driving license since so many yeras they asked me to learn only two chapters from the manual but surprise: I gave exam as everyone else from the whole book .:)))) They did it! But they have not realized who are they talking with:). My dears, I can proudly say that I have acquired 85% of 100% possible points, the minimum being 70%. It was fantastic to me and and it was a good test for my Portuguese proving that I can do it without any support. And in addition I have proved again that everything can be done when you really want something :) Very smart from me, right? Now I have psiholgic exams to pass , you think I should go or will I need to give bribes. I know your answer: You must give bribes :)))) After this big achievment came very fast the second half the day, half that was a shit, a shit, a shit. But I can not tell too many details because of objective reasons.Conclusion is that no matter how beautiful the morning was,so ugly became the second part That overshadowed totally teh happiness of the first part. The same happens in any subject when does not matter how good and beautiful is ,if an ugly stain appear it covers with it the bitter taste the sweet before. Anyway I will like to calm you down because there is nothing that happened to us , it's just something left on me a bitter taste and something that can not make it public on this blog.
Take care of you

1 comment:

  1. My dear,
    in every moment of our life, one can find "a sheety thing" or a "wonderfull thing". It depend on us to decide how to declare it.
    So, enjoy every moment, good or bad, and learn from it!!
    Don't let bad moments to influence your life!
    With love, Duti
