Unul din cele mai nasoale lucruri in Manaus este clima .
Unul din cele mai bune lucruri in Manaus este clima .
Chiar daca pare un contrast puternic in ceea ce am spus mai sus vreau sa va spun ca este nasol deoarece in timpul zilei este cam greu sa iesi afara din casa.
Vreau de asemenea sa va spun ca este foarte bine deoarece este inca foarte cald si in fiecare weekend putem sa ne miscam fundul intr-o zona frumoasa din jurul Manausului.In aceasta poveste as vrea sa vorbesc despre weekendul trecut ,weekend in care am avut sansa sa inotam cu delfinii .
Chiar daca este Noiembrie,10, este inca foarte cald (38oC in timpul zilei si 30oC noaptea ) si in acest fel ne putem deplasa catre o destinatie frumoasa cu grija aleasa .Si Slava Domnului sint foarte multe locuri frumoase pe aici care pot fi vizitate.Deci aceste weekend am ales sa mergem sa hranim delfinii de Amazon si sa inotam cu ei .
Deoarece drumul era destul de lung (~200 km) si in plus a trebuit sa trecem Rio Negro cu feriboatul am decis ca trebuie sa plecam de sambata si sa dormim acolo.
Trebuia sa facem asta deoarece e f.f.f greu pt noi sa ne trezim foarte de dimineata si sa plecam la drum .Ok ,am plecat simbata si am inceput calatoria cu feriboatul .Cami fost fascinata de comertul stradal care l-am gasit in port .
Ginditi-va ca ceea ce am putut vedea aici se poate vedea doar pe Discovery Chanel.Am gasit un furnicar de oameni care se deplasau in sus si in jos cu tot felul de carucioare sau roabe in care isi vindeau produsele . Plin de lume vinzind orice,praf ,galagie ,masini aliniate haotic la coada catre feriboat,fructe de tot felul ,carne si peste vinduta la roaba
.Este incredibil sa vezi aceste chestii dar chiar vorbeam cu Cami ca este ok sa le vezi ca turist dar nu sa te obisnuiesti cu ideea ca o sa traiesti printre ele.Am avut sansa sa trecem pe linga podul care va traversa Rio Negro.Acest pod s-a nascut acum citiva ani si cica vor sa il termine la anu’caci guvernatorul statului Amazonia isi termina mandatul si vrea sa dea bine .Ca la noi ,ce mai ...
Am ajuns la asa zisul hotel la care ne-am facut cazarea ,ne-am lasat lucrurile si am hotarit sa iesim sa mincam in oras . In drum spre curtea “hotelului” erau niste jucarii pt copii cu care Dani si Robert au inceput sa se joace .La un moment dat Cami ma striga sa vin repede si sa aduc si camera .Si ce credeti ca era : o ditamai Tarantula care mergea linistita pe perete .
Culmea a fost ca Dani nestiind ce e ,a vrut sa mearga sa puna mina pe ea dar noroc ca fiind inteligent a avertizat-o pe Cami ca vede ceva neobisnuit si a intrebat ce e . Din fericire nici unul din noi nu s-a panicat si chiar vroiam sa ii fac poza dar gazda prietenoasa l-a indepartat spunindu-ne sa nu ne facem nici o problema ca e “ïnofensiv”.
Sigur ca da ,asa e .Cred ca o sa ziceti ca si sintem nebuni ca nu am plecat de acolo imediat dar pot sa va mai spun ca la momentul in care intram spre camera era plin de sopirlite pe pereti iar una din ele a intrat in camera prietenilor nostri printr-un spatiu mic intre fereastra si perete . Inofensive si ele J La noi in camera nu am vazut nici una asa ca ne-am pornit sa mincam in oras .
A fost foarte greu sa gasim un restaurant care sa fie curat si sigur asa ca ne-am limitat la o pizza . La pizza cit si la hotel am baut un suc de maracuja super bun .Trebuie sa recunosc ca era mai bine preparat decit al meu .Cami ,ca sa cistige puncte ,ar zice ca nu J))
Am fost si printr-un asa zis parc de distractii unde plateai in jur de 1.5 RON si te dadeai pe ce vroiai.Cind am vazut pretul am zis ca e unul bun dar cind am vazut jucariile ne-am dat seama ca era pretul corect J Dani s-a dat pe un fel de masinute vechi de prin secolul XVII care aveau roti de metal iar suprafata pe care se deplasau era din lemn .Partea interesanta este ca acea suparafata din lemn era constituita din mai multe scinduri ,logic nu ? Dar acele scinduri nu era nici una cu cealalta la acelasi nivel asa ca i-a sarit si i s-a tabacit fundul la saracul Dani de numa’ .O alta chestie ninteresanta era ca persoana care se ocupa de pornirea si oprirea caruselului il oprea in orice moment in care mai venea cineva si vroia sa urce .Cum il oprea ? Cu piciorul .Cum il pornea ? Cu piciorul ,binenteles . Asa ca acolo odata ce ai urcat puteai sa stai pina vroiai sau nu mai erau locuri .Asa ca Dani a avut parte de vreo 20 minute de simulari Flinstoniene. Partea pozitiva a fost ca masina lui Dani a avut si volan J)))
A doua zi ne-am trezit ,as putea sa zic, dis de dimineata .Zic asta pt ca noua ca si echipa ne este foarte greu sa ne miscam foarte de dimineata de acasa .Datorita mie ,stiu J)) Niciodata nu imi place cum imi sta freza J
Am avut parte de un mic dejun bun si niste sucuri senzationale :sucul nostru preferat maracuja si suc de ananas.Asta e o parte buna aici ,aproape la orice restaurant ai parte de sucuri naturale preparate pe loc si daca mai pui si gheta la maracuja e senzational .
Am plecat spre delfini cu burtile pline si spre bucuria noastra Fliper-ii erau acolo si ne asteptau . Acolo nu se platea nici o intrare ci cumparai pestele care era vreo 5 Euro bucata si hraneai delfinii.Am zis ca data viitoare o sa venim cu pestele de acasa .Cumparam un peste de la ei si apoi scoatem din plasa continuarea ... caci altfel Dani ma falimenteaza .El arunca pestele din prima secunda si ma ruga tot timpul cu vocea lui angelica :”Tati ,hai da-i pestele, nu vezi ca i-e foame ...”.
In prima faza le-am dat eu de mincare, dupa care a venit si Dani .La Bebe i-a fost cam frica de ei si se uita mai de departe .La sfirsit Cami a avut parte si ea de momente unice trecind la hranirea delfinilor .
Eu am si intrat si in apa si am inotat cu ei .E intr-adevar un sentiment deosebit cu care nu te intilnesti in fiecare zi si am apreacit tare mult cu totii aceste clipe J). Deoarece sa stai si sa dai de mincare la pesti costa destul de mult am hotarit ca dupa 3 ore sa plecam spre casa . Asa am si facut si in drumul de intoarcere unde Cami a fost fascinata de peisajul vazut trecind prin jungla amazoniana .Am zis ca o sa mergem acolo o data numai pt poze .E ceva unic ,spun asta din nou si merita revazut.Ceea ce a fost impresionant pt amandoi a fost sa vedem cit de multa viata exista pe malul celalalt al Amazonului .In inchipuirea noastra exista doar Manaus-ul iar peste riu era doar jungla .Nu era deloc asa ci chiar erau foarte multe sate ,orasele sau chiar asezari izolate.
Pe Amazon si in anumite laculete in jungla erau foarte multi oameni care faceau baie
Noi cei care stiam ca Amazonul e renumit prin faptul ca e plin de piranha ,anaconda si crocodili sintem contrariati sa vedem acesti oameni scaldindu-se fara nici o problema in orice baltoaca din jungla .
Incepind din acest episod voi redacta acest blog si in engleza .Fac asta pentru o persoana speciala pentru mine care sigur si-ar dori sa poata intelege prin ce aventuri trecem in aceste zile .:) Enjoy.
Acestea fiind spuse va doresc un somn usor and all the best to you ...:)
PS: Am sa atasez si un link catre adresa mea de facebook pt a va da posibilitatea de a vedea mai multe poze care apartin unui anumit episod din viata noastra .Va rog sa imi dati feedback daca veti reusi sa deschideti link-ulJ
One of the worst things in
One of the best things in
Even if it seems a strong contrast to what I said above I say that is bad because during the day is really hard to get out of the house.
I also say that is good because it is still very hot and every weekend we can move our butt in a beautiful area around
Even is November, 10, is still very hot (38 oC during the day to 30 oC and during the night) and so ,we moved to a beautiful destination carefully chosen. And thanks God there are many beautiful places here that can be visited. So this weekend we chose to go to feed the dolphins of the Amazon and swim with them. Because the road was quite long (~ 200 km) and in addition we had to cross
I had to do this because it very hard for us to wake up very early in the morning and go on the road. Okay, I left Saturday and started the journey with the ferryboat. Cami was fascinated about the street trading market that we found in the port. Think that what we have seen here can be seen only on Discovery Channel. We found a lot of people that traveled up and down with all kinds of carriages or carts that sell their products. Full of people selling anything, dust, noise, cars lined chaotically at the queue to ferryboat, fruit of all kinds, meat and fish sold in the wheelbarrow.
It is incredible to see these things but just talking to Cami that this is ok to see them as a tourist but not to get used to the idea that a live among them.
I had the chance to go on near the bridge that will cross the
Finally we passed
I reached so-called hotel where we booked our accommodation, we left things there and decided to go out to eat in town. On the way to dinner in the hotel courtyard were some toys for children that Dani and Robert began to play. At one time I was strongly called by Cami to come quickly and bring my camera. What do you think it was: a big Tarantula which went quiet on the wall. Dani ,because he did not know what it was ,he wanted to go to play with the spider but his chance is that being smart he warned it to Cami that sees something unusual and asked what it is. Fortunately none of us did not panic and just wanted to make it picture but friendly our host removed it telling us we do not worry , it's no problem, is inoffensive ? Inoffensive?.
Of course, right J. I know you will say that I'm crazy because I have not gone there immediately but can I tell you that the moment we entered to the room was full of lizards on the wall and one of them came into our friends room through a small space between window and wall. Harmless of course J As none of them entered our room so we went eating into the town. It was very difficult to find a restaurant that is clean and safe so we limited ourselves to one pizza. At the pizza place and as well as to the hotel I had a super good Maracuja juice. I must say it was better prepared than mine. Cami, to win points, will say that is not trueJ
It was also a so-called amusement park where you pay around 1.5 RON and you run on everything you want .When I saw the price I thought it a good one but when I saw the toys we realized that it was correct price J.Dani wanted to run on a sort of old cars from seventeenth century which had metal wheels and traveled area that was of wood. The interesting part is that the surface wooden plank was consisted of multiple ones, logical right? But those boards was not each other at the same level ,so Dani jumped and was in poor Dani tanned ass? .Another interesting thing was that the person in charge of starting and stopping the carousel stopped it at any time that someone came and wanted to climb. How did he stop? By his foot. How do he start? By his foot, of course. So once you got there you could run until there were no more places and need to leave the other persons in or you could run forever . So Dani took part about 20 minutes Flinstonian moments.. The positive part was that the Dani’s car had steering wheel J
The next day we woke up, I might say, early in the morning. I say this because for us as a team is very hard moving us in the morning from home. Due to me, I know J)) I never like my haircut in the morning and so I am always late J
We had a good breakfast and some sensational juices: our favorite juice ,Maracuja and pineapple juice .This is a good side here, almost any restaurant has some natural juice prepared on the spot and if you put some ice to Maracuja juice this is sensational .
We left the breakfast with full bellies and ran to dolphins and for our joy Fliper-II were there expecting us . There is no pay for entry but you buy fish which was about 5 Euro /piece and feed dolphins .I said that next time we will come with our fish from home. Buy a fish from them and then continue to take our from the bag J ... This is because of Dani who drives me into bankruptcy the way he behaved. He takes one fish and from the first second he thrown it to the river and after that praying all the time with his angelic voice:? Daddy, go give him a fish, do not see that he is hungry ...?.
In the first phase I have give them to eat, then Dani came too . The Bebe Robert was a little afraid of it and look from far to them. At the end Cami took her hand and enjoyed unique moments feeding dolphins. After that I came into the water and I swam with them. It's really a great feeling that you not seen in every day and I very much appreciate all these moments J. As you sit and give the food to the dolphins cost a lot I decided that after 3 hours to go home. So I did and the on the way back Cami was fascinated by the landscape seen passing through the Amazon rainforest. I told her to go there only once for pictures shouting. Something unique, I say it again and it deserves to be seen again .What was impressive for both was to see how much life is there on the other side of the Amazon. In our imagination exists just
Amazon jungle has some little lakes where many people were bathing. We all know that Amazon is famous as being full of piranhas, anacondas and crocodiles and now we are astonished to see these people bathing without any problem in any puddle of jungle.
From this episode I write this blog in English too. I do this for a special person to me that surely would like to understand what adventures we have these days.:) Enjoy.
That being said I wish you a nice sleep and all the best to you ...:)
PS: I attach a link to my Facebook address for giving you the opportunity to see more photos that belong to a particular episode of our lives. Please give me feedback if you manage to open that link and see the photos
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