Au ramas doar 6 zile pina la plecare. Emotia care ma incearca e un sentiment placut stiind ca am sansa sa vad acest loc minunanat si sa petrec 6 zile extraordinare impreuna cu familia mea .
A fost destul de mult de alergat pentru a gasi solutia perfecta de a ajunge acolo dar acum am ales varianta de zbor in locul celei de a calatori cu masina .Am ales varianta de zbor deoarece cu masina am fi mers 2 zile si jumatate dus si inca atit intors .Interesant era ca pe tot acest drum trebuia sa fi trecut prin zone prezervate de indieni si nu stii cind te opreste vreo turma de ei spunind ca le este cam foame si i-ar place sa te guste :)))
Sincer sa fim am fi interesati sa vizitam aceste comunitati de indieni care traiesc in aceleasi conditii ca si acum 1000 de ani DAR cu ghid si excursie organizata .Zona in care traiesc este strabatuta de acest drum si este prezervata de catre guvern .In plus intre ora 6.00 PM si 6.00 AM zona este inchisa cu o bariera si nimeni nu pooate trece pina nu se deschide .Una din recomandari este ca daca cumva te prinde inchiderea intre bariere fa bine si nu te opri pentru nimic in lume .Frumos ,nu ?
Pe de alta parte acea zona este o zona unica in lume deoarece acolo traiesc niste vietati si plante care nu se gasesc niciunde in lume .Acea zona se numeste Roraima si cred ca e pacat sa ratam o vizita acolo.Fiind un tinut foarte salbatic trebuie sa ne gindim la o solutie in legatura cu copilasii nostri sau ii caram dupa noi cum am facut dintotdeauna :) Pentru cinefili ,in Roraima s-au filmat unele scene din AVATAR:) Razvan ,Padre check this out :)
Deci joi seara o sa ne caram spre acel loc minunat care este o insula din Caraibe .Sper ca pozele atasate nu mai au nevoi de cometarii sau detalii.Am uitat sa va spun ca mergem acolo exact in perioada carnavalului.Yuhuu...dansuri ...titi....
O sa revin cu mai multe poze dupa ce ne intoarcem de acolo .
V-am pupat
Hello, Only 6 days left until departure. Emotion that is trying me is a nice feeling knowing that I have the chance to see this wonderful place and spend 6 days with my great family. It was pretty much running to find the perfect solution to get there but now I chose to fly versus driving. I have chosen the flight because with the car we would drive 2 days and a half and still the same time back. Interesting would be when driving that all this road must have passed through areas preserved for the Indians and do not know when they stop you and say they have a little hungry and would love to taste you :)))) To be honest I would be interested to visit these Indian communities who are living in the same conditions as 1000 years ago but with a guide and trip organized J. The area where they live is crossed by this road and is preserved by the government. In addition between time 6.00 PM and 6.00 PM area is closed with a barrier and no one passes up till is not open. Recommendation is if you are on your way after the barrier is closed be smart and do not stop for nothing in the world. Nice, right? On the other hand, the area is an unique place in the world because there live some animals and plants not found anywhere in the world. That area is called Roraima and I think it's a pity to miss a visit there in the short future .Beiing very wild we must think to a solution in regards to our babies and I will carry them with us as we always do:) For the film fans in Roraima were filmed some scenes from Avatar:) Razvan,Padre check this out:)
So Thursday night we will fly to this place which is a beautiful island in the Caribbean. I hope the attached picture do not need for too much commentaries or details . I return with more pictures after we come back from there.
I forgot to tell you that we go there just in time of Carnival
I forgot to tell you that we go there just in time of Carnival
Yuhuu...... dance ... tits .... .
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