Credeti sau nu azi am jucat rolul lui Mos Craciun. J))
In acest sens am fost invitat de un prieten sa fiu Mos Craciun intr-o actiune de caritate pe care familia lui o face in fiecare an si anume de a imparti cadouri copiilor nevoiasi din cartierele sarace ale Manausului . Binenteles ,dupa o consultare cu Cami , am acceptat imediat aceasta oportunitate si am decis sa o fac sa fie frumoasa si vesela . In plus eram singurul Mos Craciun din Manaus cu ochii albastriJ))
Asa ca am mers la casa prietenului meu unde totul era organizat in curtea condomeniului in asa fel incit erau scaune si mese in curte ,mincare ,muzica si multi copilasi cu parintii lor .
Am fost echipat in costumul magic al lui Mos Craciun,mi s-a pus o perna mare pentru a simula burta impresionanta pe care ar trebui sa o aibe Mos Craciun si am aparut intr-un jeep remorca decapotabil avind in spatele meu o tona de cadouri.
Multimea a ineput sa exclame si sa se bucure la vederea lui mos Craciun si zimbetul sau teama a aparut pe fetelor copilasilor prezenti J.
Am inceput sa impart cadouri la copii ,sa ii intreb cum ii cheama ,sa le urez un craciun Fericit si a fost fantastic sa vad ca pe acele fete necajite ale mamelor lor au aparut zimbete de fericire .Am vazut multi copii frumosi fericiti ca au sansa se intilneasca personal cu Mos Craciun iar adesta are bunavointa si isi acorda timpul necesar pentru a vorbi cu ei .
La un moment dat s-a intimplat ceva care m-a impresionat . A venit in fata mea o fetita foarte frumoasa care o retinusem ca a mai fost o data dar cu toate aceastea i-am mai intins un cadou . In timp ce ii intindeam cadoul a inceput sa imi spuna ca de fapt cadoul nu era pentru ea ci isi dorea ca si sora ei care nu era acolo si care era si ea saraca sa primeasca un cadou … A fost un moment de o mare emotie ,un moment care te face sa te simti mic ,un moment care ne spune cit de recunoscatori trebuie sa fim pentru ce avem ,un moment care ne spune cit de important e sa ii ajutam pe altii .
Dupa aceasta actiune care s-a desfasurat in condominium am plecat sa impartim cadouri in citeva cartiere alaturate .
In acest sens am plecat cu 4 Jeep-uri descoperite si am intrat in acele cartiere ,eu fiind in prima masina facind din mina si sunind din clopotel cit puteam de tare .
Intrind in acele cartiere am inceput sa atragem atentia oamenilor si la un moment dat era plin de copii in jurul nostru ,plin de copii alergand dupa masini ,plin de catei alergand dupa masini J
La un moment dat am intrat si mai adanc in acest cartiere si pot sa va spun ca nu am vazut niciodata in viata mea asa conditii de precare in care acesti oameni traiau. In aceste momente nu va pot descrie exact ce am simtit dar pe de o parte erau fericit ca puteam sa aduc un zimbet pe fetele acelor copii prin mesajul si personajul pe care il reprezentam dar pe de alta parte aveam lacrimi in ochi sa vad in ce conditii unii oameni traiesc . Si din pacate sint foarte multi oameni in Brazilia care traiesc in aceste conditii iar partea cea mai nasoala este ca guvernul nu face mai nimic pentru a imbunatati structura de baza a societatii ca si educatia ,sistemul medical si accesul la informatie.
Oricum a fost aceasta experienta de Mos Craciun eu o consider una frumoasa si am apreciat ca am putut face ceva pentru niste oameni care nu au sansa sa primeasca nici un cadou cu ocazia acestei zi deosebite .Pe de alta parte cind am ajuns acasa la copii mei le-am povestit ca m-am intilnit cu niste copii foarte saraci care nu au avut parte de Mos Craciun si i-am intrebat daca vreau sa facem cadou parte din jucariile lor cind vom pleca din Brazilia . asa cum ma asteptam cei doi piticoti au acceptat imediat aceasta propunere si asta o asta o sa facem .
Va pupam cu drag
Cosmin & Co.
After all the special moments spent in these two days of Christmas, this wonderful day ended in an extraordinary way.
Believe it or not today I played Santa Claus. J))
In this respect I was invited by a friend to be Santa Claus in an act of charity that his family does every year, namely, to share gifts to children in need in poor neighborhoods of Manaus. Of course, after consultation with Cami, I jumped at this opportunity and I decided to make it beautiful and joyful. In addition I was the only Santa in Manaus with blue eyes J))
So I went to my friend's house where everything was organized in such a way that into the condominium yard were tables and chairs, food, music and many little children with their parents.
I was fitted in Santa's magic suit, I put a big pillow to simulate the impressive bailey a Santa Claus should have and I appeared in a convertible jeep trailer having behind me a ton of gifts.
The crowd start showing happiness and exclaiming at the sight of Santa Claus, smiles or fear appeared on the little children faces. J
I began to share gifts to children, I ask their names and wish them a Merry Christmas and was fantastic to see as on their troubled mothers faces appeared smiles of happiness. I saw many beautiful children happy for having the chance to meet Santa in person and take advantage of his benevolence of spending the time to speak with them.
At some point something happened which impressed me. There came in front of me a very beautiful little girl who I retained she came second time and even so I handed her a gift . While stretching her gift at the chest she began to tell me that this was actually not a present for her but she wanted that her sister ,who is poor as well, to receive a gift too... It was a moment of great emotion, a moment that makes you feel small, a moment that is telling us how much we should be grateful for what we, a moment that tells us how important it is to help others.
After this event which was held in condominium I went to share a few gifts in adjacent neighborhoods.
Thus, we went with four Jeeps in those neighborhoods, I was going in the first car waving my hand and sounding the bell loudly as I could.
Entering these neighborhoods we have started to attract people's attention and at one time was full of children around us, full of children running after the cars and full of dogs chasing cars J
At one time we went deeper into the neighborhoods and I can tell you have never seen in my life so precarious conditions in which these people lived. In these moments I cannot describe exactly what I felt but on the one hand I was glad and proud I could bring a smile to the faces of those children by the message and the character I was representing but on the other hand, I had tears in my eyes to see under what conditions some people live. And unfortunately there are many people in Brazil living in these conditions and the worst part is that the government does nothing to improve the basic structure of society as education, medical system and access to information.
However it was ,this Santa experience I consider a nice one and I appreciated that I could do something for some people not have the chance to receive any gifts during this special day.
On the other hand when I got home I told my children that I met some very poor kids who have not had the chance to enjoy Christmas and agreed with them to share most of their toys with these kids when we will leave Brazil .
As I expected my little two “ Piticoti” agreed this proposal immediately and this is that we will do before we leave .
Take care
Cosmin & Co.