
Chiar daca este foarte tirziu si maine ma trezesc foarte devreme ma simt dator sa va scriu ca deja se aduna prea multe experiente si datorita timpului scurt pe care il am la dispozitie incep sa le sar .Asadar in aceasta saptamina am avut un audit de automotive la care toti am muncit pe rupte sa punem la punct ce mai era de imbunatatit .Partea buna a venit ca de-a lungul acestui audit am cunoscut un coleg mexican care este pe aceeasi lungime de unda cu mine profesional si extraprofesional mai ales si asa cum multi ar fi zis ca e frumos sa inviti clientul la o cina domestica eu mi-am invitat clientul la o bere :) Asa ca l-am dus la singurul bar pe care il stiam ,un local foarte galagios in aer liber. Aici ne-am tot invirtit si cu greu am putut gasi o masa libera .In final un domn cumsecade ne-a facut semn cu mina spunindu-ne ca el pleaca si ne lasa pe noi sa stam acolo .Ok ,e super nenea .Dar partea frumoasa acum incepe my friens :) Pe linga faptul ca acest nenea(~50 ani , 1,50 inaltime ,par pe piept ,lant de aur ) nu pleca chiar i-a facut mare placere sa stea urmatoarele trei ore cu noi .Un mic detaliu care trebuie spus este ca eu vorbesc portugheza foarte putin ,mexicanul meu o imbina cu spaniola iar Casanova doar cu portugheza .Am comandat prima bere ,l-am servit si pe el si a devenit prietenul nostru.Am comandat mincare si l-am servit si pe el .Eram ca fratii .In scurt timp a inceput sa ne vanda de toate .A inceput cu femeile.Ne-a asigurat ca are o nevasta si vreo doua amante .Avea 3 telefoane cu el .Unul pt nevasta si cite unul pt fiecare gagica :)A spus ca are doua femei pt noi foarte ,foarte frumoase .L-am intrebat cit de frumoase si el ne-a confimat ca sint printre cele mai frumoase din Manaus .Adevarul ca la cit sint de urite femeile pe aici ne asteptam sa ne arate niste poze cu ceva maimute din alea care sperie si copii.:) I-am spus ca nu sintem interesati si dupa aceea a inceput sa ne vinda apartamente si case fiind un agent imobiliar de seama in acest oras.Probabil nu a vindut nimic in aceatra luna si era disperat sa vinda ceva sa vinda ceva unor gringos.Cele mai tari povestiri au venit in momentul in care ne povestea cum conducea el motocicleta si facea cam asa :

Pina la urma l-am convins ca tre sa plecam si ne-a dus acasa .Dupa ce l-am dus pe Cesar la hotel,m-a plimbat prin tot orasul sa imi arate ce are de vinzare .In timp ce ma ducea spre hotel l-a sunat nevasta si binenteles ca rizind a linistit-o ca e pe drum spre casa si sa nu isi faca probleme.A fost o experienta super faina in care am ris continuu si in care am cunoscut un brazilian super nebun si un mexican cam tot pe acolo .Maine merg cu mexicanul meu intr-o alta croaziera pe Amazon.Sint dator sa va povestesc cum a fost in cea de saptamina trecuta care am petrecut-o cu prietenul meu indiano-american Umesh ,persoana cu care m-am placut de la prima vedere .Sex nu am facut ,ok:)Am sa scriu si in engleza pt a-i oportunitatea prietenului meu Cesar sa isi citeasca experienta.
Even if it is late and tomorrow I will wake up very early, I feel obliged to write you because already gather much experience due to my short time andI have started to skip them. So this week we had an automotive audit where we all worked hrad to put up all the things need to be improved. The good that came up this audit is that I met a fellow Mexicano who is on the same wavelength with me professionally and extraprofesional and especially as many would say it's nice to invite the client to a domestic dinner but I asked my client for a beer:) So I went to the only bar that I knew, a very loud local outdoors. Here we all spin and I could hardly find a free table. Finally an honest man he made a sign with his hand telling us that he leaves us and let us stay there. Okay, it's super bunny. But now begins the beautiful part,my friens:) Besides that this little bunny (~ 50 years, height 1.50, hair on chest, gold chain) has not even made out it was a great pleasure for himto sit next three hours with us. One small detail to be said is that I speak very little Portuguese, my Mexicano combines it with Spanish and Casanova only Portuguese . I ordered the first beer, I served on him and became our fiend forever.We ordered food and we served him too. We were like brothers. In the short time he began to sell everything. First womenHe started to say that he is married ,has a wife and a couple of lovers. He had 3 phones with him. One for the wife and one for each reading chick:) He said he has two women for us very, very beautiful. I wonder how nice they can be and he confimed that are among the most beautiful out of Manaus.The thurth is that as ugly as the women are here we expect he show us some pictures of those monkeys that scares children.:) I told him that we are not interested and then he started to sell apartments and houses as soon as he is a real estate agent in this important city.Probabily he have not sold anything this months and was desperate to sell something to gringos.Thebest stories come when you tell us how he drove a motorcycle and doing like this:

A bit after I convinced him that the go and we went home. After I took Cesar to the hotel, he walked me through the town at 11.oo PM to demonstrate what he has for sale. While I went to the hotel he was called by the wife and of course he said laughing to her to not worry of it as is on the way home and do not makes problems.It was a super cool experience that we continually laugh and I met a Brazilian super crazy about and a Mexican that there as well:). Tomorrow I will go with my Mexican in another cruise on Amazon.I am obliged to tell you what was happened the last week that I spent with my friend Umesh ,a person I liked at first view. I did not Sex,with him ok:) I write in English for you my friend Cesar to give him the opportunity to read his experience.